Version: [v10.6.0.18] HMCTS Home | User Guide

Information for Claimants

Welcome to Money Claim Online. Before completing your claim online, it is important that you read the following information:

Who can use this service

Money Claim Online can be used by:



Government Departments


Who wish to issue a :

Claim (fixed amount of money)



If you have any doubt as to the viability or validity of your case we would advise you to seek independent legal advice before proceeding.
Remember you may be liable for your opponent's costs in the event of your action being unsuccesful.

Who cannot use this service

Money Claim Online cannot be used by:

Minors (under the age of 18)

Child or patient within Part 21 of the Civil Procedure Rules

Legally assisted person within the meaning of the Legal Aid Act 1988...

Examples of who cannot be sued are:

Government Departments

The Monarchy

Hardware/software requirements

To use Money Claim Online, you must:

Use either a personal computer (PC) running Windows or a Macintosh computer

Have a working internet connection

Use version 6 or 7 of Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox version 3, Opera version 9 or Apple Safari version 3 (your browser must alse be capable of supporting 128-bit SSL)

Have Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 (or later) if you want to save your claim forms to your computer and print them. You can download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Get Adobe Reader
How to save and print claim details

When you select any function in Money Claim Online (e.g. Next or Previous), your work is automatically saved online. You can also save information as you work by selecting the Save button when provided to you.

You can also store (save) your completed forms to your computer and print them by selecting the specific document. The printed forms are for your reference only and cannot be accepted by a County Court as an issue request or served on the defendant personally.

Preparing to make a claim

It is advisable that before you start making a claim online, you have the following information available:

Full name and address of the person(s) you wish to make a claim against

Amount you wish to claim

Facts relating to the claim e.g. dates, times, events, invoice numbers etc.

Further information on preparing to make your claim can be found at HM Courts & Tribunals Service Website


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